Thursday, May 21, 2009


Absolute truth should not exist within time because absolute truth requires perfection. Perfection should not exist within creation because of the fragmentation of evil within God's image. Ein Sof (God) is absolute truth outside of time, but we only can hope to perceive God's image within time. The changing substance of God's image can not be absolute truth within time.

Recursively, these statements can not be completely true since I write this within time... nor can anything be completely true with the inaccurate thoughts that languages convey. The mere pursuit of language and forming statements can be a type of search for truth, though it will always result in slight truths that can never be completely correct.

The idea that absolute truth does not exist comes from postmodernism, in addition to the focus on the perceived world being subjective. Absolute truth as a concept (Ein Sof) still exists outside of time, just not in a way we may ever perceive. Instead, absolute truth is only something we participate in, as a fragment of God's image within time.

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