Monday, May 11, 2009


"Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote, And think they grow immortal as they quote."
- Edward Young

Education teaches memorization and minutiae that is then quickly forgotten. However, teaching repetitive memory techniques helps create a productive work force, filled with specialized people that are unable to utilize their mind completely. Our current society depends on specialized skill and encourages specialization with illusions of security, whether it be welfare or a retirement plan. People that depend on memorization to survive will neglect creativity and the improvements it can provide for society.

Creativity is only utilized by an increasingly limited number of individuals when you consider the amount of ingenuity required to trap wild game and the effort required to visit McDonalds. Art has become mass produced to the point that value is obscure. Business is often like a herd of cattle trampling single creative ideas by replication or legal suppression (utilizing money, otherwise known as earthly power).

For society to advance as a whole, intelligence needs better testing to determine a mind's capabilities. Education needs to strengthen the capabilities present in the individual's mind that are found through testing. The capabilities found will likely require more individual teaching than what we currently have. Creativity is one thing education has been unable to focus on seriously because it lacks a metric to measure it with.

The only serious attempts to measure creativity that I have found is within the research of Dr. E. Paul Torrance. The results have shown that creativity has been decreasing since 1990 which is likely to coincide with the use of ADHD medication. We are diagnosing the most creative segment of children with ADHD for the worst effects. Conformity comes with a high price.

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