Thursday, May 21, 2009


Everyone has their own unique limitations for both will and perception. Respecting limitations is very important and a frequent source of anger and misunderstanding. Everyone must pursue their own path that reduces fragmentation and seeks harmony with God's will, according to their own capacity. Any positive or negative pursuit of their will is largely decoupled from their religious background or lack thereof.

A person's life experience does form their perception that guides their will. Normally, a person does not pursue fragmentation, actively, in all aspects of life unless twisted to that end. More commonly, people do pursue community as part of survival, both physically and metaphysically. If a person is twisted to pursue fragmentation actively, they generally do it for an altered sense of community or fulfillment that is not generally completely ill will, just misguided.

Understanding the limitations of others in relation to you can help promote a sense of peace so that fragmentation does not develop or grow. Being supportive of others helps reduce fragmentation and compensates for the limitations of others. Support can then help compensate for both physical and mental ills that would otherwise cause ostracism.


I am unable to forget the 25th saying of the Gospel of Thomas, an apocryphal gospel, which is "Jesus said, 'Love your friends like your own soul, protect them like the pupil of your eye.'" (Translated by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer). The perception of a person that guides their will is formed by their surroundings. The most influential part of a person's surroundings is their friends.

For the sake of your perception and its influence on others though your will, protection of your perception is necessary. To protect your perception would be to willfully guide it on its path that you determine to be best. So, to guide your perception you would need to choose your friends wisely.

The first part of the saying shows that you must love your friends as if they are your own soul since it is relationships that makes us part of a larger whole that reduces fragmentation of God in God's image. So, your soul is very close to your friend's and comes from the same source, despite fragmentation within creation and time that separates you from them.


Absolute truth should not exist within time because absolute truth requires perfection. Perfection should not exist within creation because of the fragmentation of evil within God's image. Ein Sof (God) is absolute truth outside of time, but we only can hope to perceive God's image within time. The changing substance of God's image can not be absolute truth within time.

Recursively, these statements can not be completely true since I write this within time... nor can anything be completely true with the inaccurate thoughts that languages convey. The mere pursuit of language and forming statements can be a type of search for truth, though it will always result in slight truths that can never be completely correct.

The idea that absolute truth does not exist comes from postmodernism, in addition to the focus on the perceived world being subjective. Absolute truth as a concept (Ein Sof) still exists outside of time, just not in a way we may ever perceive. Instead, absolute truth is only something we participate in, as a fragment of God's image within time.

Monday, May 11, 2009


"Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote, And think they grow immortal as they quote."
- Edward Young

Education teaches memorization and minutiae that is then quickly forgotten. However, teaching repetitive memory techniques helps create a productive work force, filled with specialized people that are unable to utilize their mind completely. Our current society depends on specialized skill and encourages specialization with illusions of security, whether it be welfare or a retirement plan. People that depend on memorization to survive will neglect creativity and the improvements it can provide for society.

Creativity is only utilized by an increasingly limited number of individuals when you consider the amount of ingenuity required to trap wild game and the effort required to visit McDonalds. Art has become mass produced to the point that value is obscure. Business is often like a herd of cattle trampling single creative ideas by replication or legal suppression (utilizing money, otherwise known as earthly power).

For society to advance as a whole, intelligence needs better testing to determine a mind's capabilities. Education needs to strengthen the capabilities present in the individual's mind that are found through testing. The capabilities found will likely require more individual teaching than what we currently have. Creativity is one thing education has been unable to focus on seriously because it lacks a metric to measure it with.

The only serious attempts to measure creativity that I have found is within the research of Dr. E. Paul Torrance. The results have shown that creativity has been decreasing since 1990 which is likely to coincide with the use of ADHD medication. We are diagnosing the most creative segment of children with ADHD for the worst effects. Conformity comes with a high price.


People are naturally self-centered from a survival point of view. Only our relationships allow us to transcend our base self and use our will for others. By doing so, we become integrated into a larger whole that is stronger.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Lack of privacy will cause society to encourage trustlessness as an admirable quality in people (i.e., total information will provide more fear than insight because of the limitations of human understanding). Lack of trust in society will cause a reduction in the quality and number of human relationships, causing society to deteriorate.

Artificial environments will allow relationships to form with controlled privacy, but will depend on the public's ignorance of their exposure for survival. The control of privacy will become the governing force for the world.

Friday, May 8, 2009


In the remarks by Ambassador Joseph A. Mussomeli to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, that refer to the Cambodian Genocide, I found a timeless reference to Thomas Merton and his view on the individuals responsible for Nazi war crimes: "labeling the killers as insane or inherently evil wrongly permit us the comfort of believing that normal people, ordinarily decent people, could never commit these crimes. That it is only the insane and the cruel that could do so. But the real horror of these crimes, as Merton pointed out, is that most perpetrators are neither insane nor pathologically cruel people.".

Humans generally do what they perceive as correct at a certain point in time. The idea that the ends justifies the means has wide application outside of Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince, but is mainly described as a tool for politicians because a lack of integrity can compensate for a lack of skill with diplomacy and leadership. The Lex Talionis, despite being the world's oldest law, was able to limit the power of amoral behavior, but that limit is now absent in current times. So, the notion that the victor writes history and controls reality ("The victor will never be asked if he told the truth." - Adolf Hitler) has become persistent support for amoral reasoning.

Self-sacrifice is one act that can always be recognized in unadulterated history, since the act itself can have long standing impact on human relationships. Victor Frankle recognized self-sacrifice by saying "The best of us did not survive", when he recounted fellow prisoner deaths in the concentration camp due to starvation. Humility can provide direction that represents God's will, actualized as self-sacrifice and a transcendence of basic survival instinct. I think Victor Frankle was one of the prisoners that sacrificed self for the greater good (Ad maiorem Dei gloriam) by his research and writing, not just the prisoners that died due to starvation because they had offered their food to other prisoners.


Fear is everyone's worst enemy, whether they realize it, or not. Fear is only conquered by focused thought that is supported by the affirmation of past success that can be part of a person's confidence. Past success is only judged by a person's perception and a person's perception determines if they find positive qualities in negative events (attitude is 80% to 90% of success, depending on who you talk to).

Fear is the most effective tool available to manipulate people when you consider the cost. That is why there is motivation in business to provide an unstable environment that encourages fear. Encouragement of fear is not often intentional unless it is within higher levels of management. Usually apathy unintentionally encourages fear through lack of communication and indecision.

The management hierarchy in a business defines a general attitude from the top down that guides the workers to accomplish tasks. So, a business contains an attitude that influences workers and their ability to accomplish work.

The management hierarchy is a network of filters that allow a CEO to manage with a human consciousness that has limited perception and focus. Blame in a management hierarchy propagates down the hierarchy, but Reward propagates up the hierarchy. The personal relationships between the coworkers that brought the company together define its outcome.

A business is legally and realistically an individual entity with a lifespan and a health. The health of a business is slow moving for large companies where morale is not easily communicated or shared.


Humility is the one virtue from which all other virtues flow. Humility allows society to remain connected by having no one stand out as being inherently better. If pride does occur, it creates conflict within society and detracts from a consciousness of God and a focus on God. The Catholic church was unable to appreshiate humility because of their long history of corruption, despite the Desert Fathers (so instead, they focused on faith, hope, and charity, the three theological virtues, which was an easier practice).

So, a prerequisite for harmonizing your will with God's will is learning humility. Doing so increases the interconnectedness of people within society and reduces fragmentation (evil).

Determining a person's character requires meek and humble approach. Pride with ill intent will be shown by the person in the form of happiness and surprise, usually with a smirk.


Thoughts are the imprint of the will. Prayer is focused thought.

Thoughts are very important within creation and it is hard to grasp how important it is to control your own thought. Thought forms the main interconnections between people that remain within God's image (God's mirror existence inside of time), despite fragmentation. Remember that the only thing separating people within God's image, from being one, is fragmentation (evil) which is "tending to non-being".

Thoughts as a form of existence allow us to achieve more truth than is capable with crude objects, even when used as symbols. The main purpose of symbols is to unite a community so that the thought of its members takes on a more homogeneous form or existence and is more powerful through the use of symbols.

With homogeneous thought, power is distributed among those that hold it in relation to its intensity, insofar as the thought's existence represents the will of an entity that is hopefully completely of God (but since absolute truth does not exist within creation, nothing is completely of God). Facets of God's fragmentation that are spiritual are called angels and only contain a static will that tends towards positive or negative. Negative angels are also called demons. These angels are the only persistent connection (not temporary, but enduring throughout time) I see between the God outside of time and the God's image, inside of time. The angels must be static though they can take on a form. The angels must contain a part of God's duality (God with the fragmentation of evil) to be able to take on a form.

There is one more connection that could be classified as angels but is called ghosts. They have static wills and are attached to both the static and the dynamic, i.e., the static God or not-God and the dynamic mix of the two ... to be clearer they are attached to God both in its form outside of time and its form within time (or attached to not-God which is possibly in both places but definitely within time).

So, thoughts take on a form through memory and an existence that is part of the duality with God that takes place within time. The highest goal then is to have our thoughts, their form and existence, represent God by being in harmony with God's will.

We have a natural physical understanding of good and evil through our understanding of physical joy and suffering.


To be holy in all religions is to bring yourself into harmony with God's will, where your will is God's will, as much as possible. It is obvious that people can influence other people through dialogue, both heard and ignored, touch, gestures and recorded thought.

I do not know how decoupled thoughts may influence other people except in that thoughts can take on an existence of their own, perpetuated by their memory. It is possible our existence within time is contained within the thoughts or mental/spiritual power of God outside of time.

The existence of thoughts, that are perpetuated by memory occurs best through community influence. Community can encourage strengths and cushion weaknesses through a common purpose that helps to focus the will of its members. Through community, it is possible for people to live in harmony with God's will, and help active purification.


The only thing that matters during our life is thought supported by community. All of our thought can be used to obtain harmony with God's will through community. God's existence that is active creatively sits outside of time where things are static and fate is determined. God's mirror existence that is passive is within time, as duality that is always active (i.e., the tension and friction within God within time is always active but God itself is not active within time). Evil is the absence of God and exists within time as fragmentation of God. Fragmentation of God is what keeps physical objects separate and our wills unique, i.e., giving us free will. I think creation is a method by which God grows (i.e., God is unified and made more whole within time) through our gradual purification. In that way, we are in God's image.

These thoughts depend on Kabbalistic thought where God exists as Ein Sof and also the image of Ein Sof within creation that some vocalize as "Yahweh", the Tetragrammaton. From these beliefs, God's will and the wills of the angels/demons have a singular direction but the wills of people within creation are free to choose their direction.

St. Thomas Aquinas in question XLIX of the Summa Theologica ("The cause of evil") determined, among other things, that God does not cause evil:
"On the contrary, Augustine says that, God is not the author of evil, because He is not the cause of tending to non-being. ... But in God there is no defect, but the highest perfection, as was shown above. Hence, the evil which consists in defect of action, or which is caused by defect of agent, is not reduced to God as to its cause."

There probably is a better Aquinas quote to see a logical Christian view, but Kabbalism has the concept that evil is fragmentation of God, since evil is not-God. A good source of basic Kabbalistic thought related to God, and its nature, is in God is a Verb , where God-ing can be seen as making God within time more whole by eliminating the fragmentation (evil).


I want to pursue simple truths from a single person and their random experiences, recorded within these random words.

I want to first assert we have nothing except our Will and our Perception. These two abstract entities are the only things to change during our lifetime.

Our perception controls our will, in general. We can direct our perception, but are not normally aware of that fact.